

How can I defend myself against discrimination and racism?

In Switzerland people are forbidden from publicly attacking or discriminating against people on grounds of their race or adherence to an ethnic or religious group in any way that would violate their human rights. It is forbidden to refuse a publicly offered service too. According to criminal law, racial discrimination is a criminal offence liable to public prosecution if the act is committed in public.


If you have been a victim of racial discrimination, seek advice from a contact and advice centre. Information on this topic can also be found in the legal guide to «Rassistische Diskriminierung». It is published by the Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung (Office for Combating Racism) and can be downloaded free from the Internet.


  • Beratungsstelle gegen Rassismus

    Anti-racism advice centreGrabenstrasse 17001 Chur081 257 63 44rassismusberatung.gr.ch