Overview of Grisons

Overview of Grisons

Overview of Grisons

Overview of Grisons

More than 198,000 people live in the canton of Grisons. Of these, around 37,000 are foreign nationals. At 7,106 km2, Grisons is the largest canton in Switzerland, covering 1/6 of Switzerland’s total area. Around 35,400 people live in the canton’s main city Chur, one of the oldest settlements in Switzerland (as of 2018).


The canton is divided into 11 regions and 108 municipalities. Around 50% of the municipalities have fewer than 1,000 inhabitants (as of 2018).



  • Fachstelle Integration Graubünden

    Grisons Department of IntegrationGrabenstrasse 17001 Chur081 257 26 38www.integration.gr.ch

Linguistic diversity in the canton of Grisons

There are three official languages in the canton of Grisons:

German, Romansh and Italian.



For most inhabitants of the canton, German is the native language, i.e. they write High German and speak Swiss German.



In the Engadin, in the Münster Valley, in Central Grisons and in the Surselva, Romansh is the standard language. Romansh is not only a language; it is also a family of 5 idioms: Sursilvan, Sutsilvan, Surmiran, Puter and Vallader.



Italian is spoken in the four valleys Puschlav, Bergell, Misox and Calanca.