Senior citizens

Senior citizens

What is available for senior citizens?

Lots of age-related information and advice is available. The first place to go for enquiries is the municipality where you live or the regional health centre. Some communities have set up a special information office. Detailed information on topics such as staying healthy, accommodation, daily life, support and care services can also be found on the Grisons Department of Health’s “Wegweiser Alter Graubünden” platform.

Pro Senectute Graubünden advice centre

Pro Senectute is Switzerland’s biggest private non-profit organisation for older people. Older people and their families can obtain expert, discreet and free advice from the regional advice centres in Chur, Thusis, Ilanz, Ftan and Samedan. The range of services includes personal social and financial advice, health promotion and prevention, courses and community work.


  • Beratungsstelle Pro Senectute Graubünden

    Pro Senectute Graubünden advice centreAlexanderstrasse 27000 Chur081 252 75