Voluntary work

Voluntary work

What is meant by voluntary work?

Around one quarter of the people living in Switzerland are involved in institutionalised voluntary work. They voluntarily work to benefit society and do not expect any payment for it. This is known as voluntary work.


The work is organised by clubs and associations as well as charitable, political or public organisations. Voluntary work can be cultural, environmental, sporting or political; it can benefit your local neighbourhood, particular social or church initiatives and many other areas of society.


  • Benevol Graubünden Fach- und Vermittlungsstelle für Freiwilligenarbeit

    Benevol Grisons Voluntary work agencySteinbockstrasse 27000 Chur081 258 45 84www.benevol-gr.ch

What is the “Dossier freiwillig engagiert”?

Clubs and organisations can issue official documentation confirming the voluntary work carried out by their members. By doing this they show that voluntary work matters and is valued.


The work performed can be listed in a summary sheet and stored in a folder with proof from the club or organisation. This provides visible proof of the skills and expertise acquired, enhancing the value of voluntary work and making it comparable to paid work. The dossier can also be used when you are job hunting; after all, dedicated employees are valued everywhere.