Learning a language

Learning a language

Where can I learn the local language?

If you are an immigrant who wants to integrate into Swiss society, you will have to be able to converse with other people. It is therefore essential that you learn the local language. This will help you to look for a job, talk to neighbours, friends or work colleagues on a day-to-day basis and play an active part in social life. It means you will also be able to help your children to learn the local language.


Learning a new language takes time, patience and lots of practice. It can be difficult, especially at the start; but don’t be discouraged. It’s a good idea to attend one of the many language schools. There are also courses for immigrants that are subsidised by the government, cantons and municipalities to help promote integration. The cost of such a course is therefore discounted. Find out about the courses that are available and how much they cost. Learning together with others is motivating and more fun. You can also improve your language skills by talking to other people, reading newspapers, websites or books in the local language, listening to the radio or watching television.

Language advice

Every Thursday afternoon the cantonal Integration Information Centre in Chur provides one-to-one advice on the German language. The language experts will assess your linguistic ability and standard, show you ways to learn the local language and advise you on a suitable course. This service is free. You do not need to register, but you do have the option of making an appointment.


  • Informationszentrum Integration Graubünden

    Grisons Information Centre for IntegrationGrabenstrasse 17001 Chur081 257 36 83 / 081 257 26 38www.integration.gr.ch