Family allowance

Family allowance

Who receives family allowance?

All employees receive a family allowance per child. The following payments are made in the canton of Grisons (as of January 2021):


  • CHF 220 per child, per month
  • CHF 270 per month for children in education/training from 16 to 25 (known as the education allowance).


The family allowance is paid to the parent who brings in the higher income to the household.


In all cantons people who are unemployed are also entitled to a family allowance. In the canton of Grisons the taxable income must not exceed CHF 43,020 (as of January 2021). It is meant to help marginal employees, or students who have a small supplementary income, for example.


Self-employed people who are registered with the Compensation Office and who earn a minimum income of CHF 7,170 per year (as of January 2021) are also entitled to a family allowance.


Employees are generally paid the family allowance by their employer as part of their wages. The canton of Grisons social security department pays the family allowance to people who are unemployed or self-employed.



  • Sozialversicherungsanstalt des Kantons Graubünden

    Social Insurance Institution of the Canton of GrisonsOttostrasse 247000 Chur081 257 41